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I saw this and I had to post because it is so true. I don't know if you have ever met people with characters so unlike yours that you know you wouldn't be compatible as friends. For example, when I joined YPC, half the people I knew in the group, I KNEW we couldn't be friends outside of YPC. Certain circumstances just put me with people. And now some of those YPC people are some of my closest friends. Well, I've met someone so opposite to my personality, so lacking in commonality with me, so caught up, so unreachable that I know that if were to be in a relationship it would not work. I spend a lot of my time making jokes about him and honestly, sincerely laughing at how ridiculous this person is.  In fact, it has become so bad that I'm influencing others by my bad example (something to pray about). 
If the story ended here, it would be great. But unfortunately, there is only one problem: He's hot. No matter how many bad things I know about him that would dim his personality in my life, he would still be fawine. Yes I made up the word. It does not stop here though. Part of the reason why I can't stand him? Because his stuff is together. His priorities are somewhat straight. He reminds of a friend I had in YPC who was so naive and oblivious but so focused on pleasing God and she always wore a smile. Need I mention that she was beautiful?  This dude is the same. Seeking God so that He can become my first priority so that this dude can move down the list is becoming my first priority. 
Another part of the reason why this dude annoys me? He doesn't like me like I like him and possibly never will. I love myself. This is not a self esteem issue. I just know one thing to be true of hot guys of other races: They would never date a black girl unless she is uber-fine. (never say never) Hot guys have been groomed to believe they deserve the best. Now this is not always true but I know my limitations. Not to say it is impossible. But it is improbable. First of all, if he did like me like I liked him, it would be just for fun because it couldn't be long term (Jesus would not appreciate that). Secondly, just like I won't allow myself to be all out crazed over this dude, especially since young girls are looking up to me, he would not allow himself to like me. If I am an option, it is a very low option. 
3rd part of the reason why he annoys me? He is everywhere and yet he pays me no mind. Aggravation to it's limit. But God has given me no inclination that I should pursue someone out here and I refuse to pursue. I refuse to have my heart out there. What I will do is wait until this infatuation passes and until then pray that my eyes don't comb my line of vision to find him. You know what's worst that a unrequited passing infatuation? The title of lovesick puppy being thrown at me. God's got me. I am not to be desperate for any male's attention because God's got me.


  1. I should be doing my hw now, but instead I'm here reading your blog lmao. This is too funny I was thinking about this topic of attractive guys (that I don't want to like but can't help it cause they look so good...smh) for a while now.

    Anyways, I was talking to my friend and he asked, "don't you every worry that you are going to end up alone?" and to be honest before I would of been like, "yes this is why I am on a man hunt!!!" but now, no. I told him, "I am not worried cause I know 'God got me', so why should I worry." And it is true God, knows me more than I know myself, he knows what I like and what I don't; even if I am unsure. Before I would pray to God, asking him for a guy to want to date me, cause I thought none of them did. Then I changed it to asking for a Prince Charming. However I don't want a Prince Charming, I am not a princess, maybe a tomboy-ish one, but not a Cinderella princess. So I ask for my Adam. For Eve and Adam wins over any celebrity couple we have today. See how Eve was made for Adam? I want a guy I am made for, I want him to be by Adam and for me to be his Eve.

    I must sound so corny, but it is true; that’s what I want. So I pray but it is not going to be easy, God is not going to send a guy for me with a note in his hand saying “Hello my Eve, I am the Adam God has sent for you.” Yea, not going to happen. And most definitely there will be temptations, and the worst thing I can do is avoiding it. I must confront it, for it to know it’s messing with the wrong person, cause I have God on your side. So all you got to do it pray. I prayed for Prince Charming and a guy that wants to date, so God has sent me many (well almost 10 currently now) -_-. So now I’m praying for that one Adam, made for me; he might be part of the 10 guys now, but idk only Gods knows.


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