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Marketing Oneself

I'm that natural sister that believes you need to be judged by the content of your character and not your outward appearance. But something is becoming more and more apparent to me on a daily basis... Ain't nobody looking at your character when they first meet you.

I've noticed that there have been some things about myself that I have admired. I don't admire those things anymore. I don't know if it's maturity or the fickleness that is woman but I loved that fact that I was so simple in many things before. Now I can't stand it. People are always going to judge by outside appearance.

So things I want to change about my outside appearance.
I want longer hair - If this mean I have to give the Koreans more money so that I could where a weave that protects my hair from breakage, so be it. It definitely goes against my want to support black business. Cognitive Dissonance continues.

Wait! I might have found an alternative:

I want to wear prettier flat shoes - This means I've got to have prettier feet. Which means I've got to go and pay the Korean money to get my pedicure. SMH. I really do not think this is going to happen. I will just end up doing it myself. I love them Koreans but I can't be giving them all my money.This also means that I got to wear that foot brace nightly to straighten my bunion. The Discipline is out of reach on that one.

I want clothing that is not just cheap but pretty. I will not lie about this one. This may be the hardest habit to break. I rather cheap over pretty any day but I've got to update my wardrobe so that people can respect my position of leadership.

This summer is going to be the perfect to all these things. Hopefully I'm up to the challenge.

Next Post: Self Esteem

I know I said I was going to post on the documentary of Malcolm X. That will be coming to you this Memorial weekend. It will also include some some analysis on President Barack Obama's speech at Morehouse.
Will be trying to update you on My Kwanzaa Celebration within the next 3 weeks. I'm heading home ya'll! See you in Brooklyn June 11th!!!


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