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Showing posts from October, 2012

Comparing oneself with others

I'm sitting here looking at natural hair videos. I'm looking at girls with hair that is super longer than mine and yes the green monster of envy is baring it's teeth right now. But then I remember a comment my cousin said to me. I was talking to her about feeling like I've been growing this hair for so long (since I was born) and I feel like there is nothing to show for it. Don't get me wrong. I do recognize there has been some growth but there are some girls who have only been natural for three years and their hair is dead up longer than mine. As I was saying this to my cousin, she was nodding in agreement. She also mentioned that there are those girls with a hair texture that she does not have who are rocking all these cool hair styles that she feels she could not hope to rock because her texture is coarser. As I nod my head in agreement, she drops a bomb. She says,"I must say that YOU are one of those girls." I said, " ME?," And then she let m

My hair

Had to take a pic while it's fresh... And maybe a couple more About to take a shower and go to sleep...hopefully I can pull that off with out ruining the look ... much

Building a habit

Yeah, I'm getting my hair done officially today by Elsa, the same lady who was to busy to fulfill my appointment last week. SMH. Luke 18:1-7 Persevere in Prayer. Day 14 of the 40 days. I honestly do not know how I'm going to do it but I'm going to try. I wrote a list of things of things I'm going to pray for and throughout the day, I'm going to pray seriously and earnestly about these things. And then continue doing it for the rest of my life. God is good. I'm trying to build a habit of praying continuously throughout the day. David cried out to God evening, morning and at noon. Daniel prayed three times a day. Jesus spent all night in prayer and Elijah prayed 7 times until a dark cloud was sighted, signaling rain. I must pray even more.

Go Shorty! It's Your Birthday!

Yeah right. I did my hair. Actually my friend did it for me. My ends are a little frazzled. Unfortunately, the lady that I wanted to cut my hair waited until it was too late to contact me. She wants to reschedule for next week and if my hair is indicator now, she will be cutting off at least an inch, which means protective styles for the rest of the year. So I didn't get a proper trim because she was not free for the time she scheduled me. My ends look horrid!  But I look fly. We fly high, no lie,... Yeah... So anyway... Praise God I'm 26 years old. In other news, focusing on God is getting harder. But I am up for the challenge. I need to be in order to come correct with God. And be prepared for Jesus and other things.

Mrs. Lawrence

I'm in the classroom now, thanking God for joyful Mrs. Lawrence! This lady is the bomb. She is teaching the 2nd graders Thematic Reading. Before she starts teaching them everyday, she kneels down and she prays to God. Yes and she puts the lesson in God's hands. Today she was looking for Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories. I could only picture how they would look in my house and I was not sure if they were in the school. On my way to texting the principal to ask if the stories were here, she says "Let me kneel down pray and ask God about it."  Minutes later, she's looking through the library and she finds the books! Amazing. I was like, "Praise God!"  My first instinct is to always try and see what I can do for myself without even thinking of God as a last resort. But Mrs. Lawrence addresses God and He answers! Why am I amazed? Because I want that! I want that kind of faith that is ever present without dwindling for doubt. So I prayed that God would mak

So Stuff in my head

                     I'm planning so much stuff for when I get back to New York, as if life starts and begins when I am in New York. For example, I'm planning on starting a Friday Night Fellowship group with my peeps. This includes small supper/snacks, singing devotion and prayer. I am struck by how much I am drawn to groups like this whenever I am outside of NY and how much of blessing it would be to my peeps at home. I'm also planning on preparing dishes for potluck on Sabbaths, possibly cooking it with others and preparing these dishes. I also want to start evangelistic Bible studies with people.Unfortunately, life does not begin when I am in NY. It starts now at this moment. So what can I do in the here and now. to help me grow as a person? Something to pray about... 2 days from now is my b day. Getting my hair did. And the eyelashes grew back and I can were my contacts in a couple days. WoooooHooooo!


I saw this and I had to post because it is so true. I don't know if you have ever met people with characters so unlike yours that you know you wouldn't be compatible as friends. For example, when I joined YPC, half the people I knew in the group, I KNEW we couldn't be friends outside of YPC. Certain circumstances just put me with people. And now some of those YPC people are some of my closest friends. Well, I've met someone so opposite to my personality, so lacking in commonality with me, so caught up, so unreachable that I know that if were to be in a relationship it would not work. I spend a lot of my time making jokes about him and honestly, sincerely laughing at how ridiculous this person is.  In fact, it has become so bad that I'm influencing others by my bad example (something to pray about).  If the story ended here, it would be great. But unfortunately, there is only one problem: He's hot. No matter how many bad things I know about him that would di

My hair this Sabbath

I'm wearing black because today is Communion. Look at my hair. What do you think?


Yep I braided the back of my head last night. I just wanted to share with you guys a couple ideas and happenings. I was watching the sunset this evening and I was excited about life as I watched the sky glow behind the horizon. As I watched, simply in awe, a humming bird zoomed past my ear. I watched it hover and then land in a tree. When not flying, he seemed to be buzzing with action, looking everywhere and glancing at everything. Then it made it's call. In that moment, with sunsetting and the humming bird in front of me, I felt alive and buzzing with new energy. I can see how the pagans find the sun worthy of worship because a sunset can be super exciting, almost a religious experience. As I watched, I felt like I could do anything and everything. Now the verse that's really getting to me now is Colossians 1:27. Here Paul is about to reveal this great mystery of God. And this is it: Christ in you, the hope of Glory. The Living Bible puts it like this: that Christ in you

Love Songs

I realized that I keep love songs in my head during the day, songs that I haven't heard in years or months or weeks (or days or hours)And they'll go along with me during the day. Let's take some time and analyze some of the songs that have filled my head recently. So as of last year, I have been addicted to this one song by Lady Gaga called "Bad Romance"  and it is brilliantly done and ...evil. Here are the lyrics: I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance I want your love, and all your love is revenge You and me could write a bad romance Oh, caught in a bad romance Oh, caught in a bad romance Now this is just the chorus of the song but as you can tell, it's not a holy song .  The singer is desiring something bad and compares love to revenge even saying that they are the same thing. Desiring something that is not good for you is definitely not of God. If we read Revelation 12, we see Satan taking his re

Desire for You

So yesterday after the party, I co-washed my hair and then braided it for the next morning. Unfortunately, the braids did not fully dry by the next morning. So I pulled my hair back in one. Whenever I do that with moist hair, the front of my hair becomes super straight. So I decided to pull all my hair up to the top of my head to night to straighten the hair in the back as the front and the hair style I came up with was so... Beyonce. Well not blond enough nor big enough but it is exactly the picture that came to my mind as I finished off the style. Well I'm only sleeping in it because I refuse to go out like this...well maybe someday. Unfortunately the style is a little to little girlish for me, even though I seem like the type of person to love the little girl styles. Part of me doesn't want to change my hair up too much because I do not like having to explain it to people who do not completely comprehend. I do not shy away from those opportunities but I do not confro

Wash and go

I'm trying out a wash and go on my hair... well it was in a old twist out that i just dampened and added some tresemme conditioner to. What do you think? Look at that definition! Jerry curlish?  Going to a pampered chef party. Might get something for my mom.

Focus on Jesus

        When I was younger, I sang with a youth choir in church. The name of the group was Mission Voices. The name of one of the songs we sang was "Focus on Glory". The purpose of the song was to admonish us as individuals not to focus on the problems of life but to keep your attention on Jesus.  At that age, I sang it because the song sounded good and I'm sure that we didn't really get the point because we still spent a lot of time focused on the little drama going on. Now I feel like we need him more now and because of the little focus we put on developing a relationship with Jesus Christ then, I feel like we're ill prepared to turn to Him now. Even the little drama we had at that time was not as complicated as the drama we got going on now that we are all grown.         Today the pastor challenged us to find Jesus in every part of the Bible. So when you are doing your devotion and you're studying the Bible, you're not just looking for factual informa