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My hair...out here in the boonies

Here's a hair update...

So Korean! Look at that forehead!
LML! These are some twists on a lazy Sunday Morning. Can't wait till my eye lashes and eyebrow grows back in so I could start looking less raggedy...ugh. LOL But don't my teeth look gorgeous?

I left my home in Brooklyn, NY with absolutely no hair products. I know what you're thinking... AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! LOL. My bag was already over weight I was not looking forward to paying another 100 bucks to satisfy my hair's obsession with moisture. I lie. I did bring one thing with me. Kinky Curly Knot Today... A friend gave it to me and said it would be good for my curl pattern. I usually mix it with Aloe Vera juice and oils from Kimmaytube's recipe but I decided maybe I could use it by itself...super wrong. Apparently my hair has to be super wet to use it. My hair was so sticky when I first used it as a leave in by itself. I felt like it wasn't doing any good in my hair. So I mixed it with olive oil and water and it feels so much better in my hair. Fortunately, the weather over here is perfect for a twist out since there is no humidity to fluff out my curls, The perfect twist outs. I'm using Herbal Essences Hello Hydration until I their finished. Then I'm buying by Shea Moisture from Target. I told myself I was only doing protective style over here... but I find myself wanting to show out my curls. Is that pride? Maybe but I twist every night and lose in the morning.


  1. Protective styling can be a lot of work, (for me, I'm lazy). That's why a long with my huge sunglasses and sun block, I squeeze in my huge sun hats to protect my hair from the sun :). I should send you some lol.

  2. um... Thanks but I ain't trying to look all southern belle-like. And unfortunately, I can't wear hats at my job :( .


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