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Ponder anew...

This morning during worship, the children sang "Praise to the Lord", which is a hymn and the part that rang out long after the song was finished was "...ponder anew what the Almighty can do..." So I posted it up on facebook as my status, partly because without getting a chance to vote, my candidate still won the election (ponder that! LOL) and mostly because we should think about the mighty things God can do. I considered my answered my prayers from previous weeks and I decided to share to let you know how things are going over here.
1) My friend, the one who is pregnant, was not getting anything done partly because she's pregnant and partly because she just did not feel like it, which would be fine if there were not things that just needed to get done. After praying that she would become more productive, I have never seen her do as much as she has been doing in the past few weeks. Of course, I'm not with her 24/7 but still, Praise God!
2) The husband prayer (fear of commitment). God has opened my eyes I guess in the sense to let me know that he has good thoughts towards me and for others. God has got my back.
3) My daddy. I haven't been in contact with him. But I am praying that he would be more Christlike. I spoke to him and I don't think God wants me hearing him too much. He has shown a lack of respect for my wishes which is something I should have boundaries about.
4) Boundaries. God is showing me that I need to develop boundaries. With my students and with my friends and family. I'm taking a classroom management class now and it is like what I needed. Then my friend start mentioning boundaries yesterday. I have to find that book and read it. It's so easy for a Christian to think they have to be nice and that there are no boundaries.
5)Speaking about boundaries, my phone. My sister has again asked me to pay her cell phone bill.Since I have been here, I have been paying the cell phone bill. That's two months of her cell phone bill paid. So I decided this month that I was not going to pay it. Even when I was about to give in and pay it, I look in my account and see that there is not enough funds to cover the bill. Praise God, because I believe she is taking advantage of me. I mean, how did she live when I was in Korea?
6) Freedom. Two weekends ago, I felt trapped because I did not have a means to get anywhere so I was stuck where I was because I was so dependent on others to drive me places. The weekend that just passed gave me access to a car for the first time in 3 months. I was "babysitting" my friend who is a minor so her parents left with a car. But having a car and the sense of direction of a good 15 year old friend, who I care for dearly, is not always a good thing. I was stopped by Highway patrol for reckless driving and no license plates. Fortunately, the cop let us off with a warning. I cried because although I wanted to be independent, I did not have the tools to do it. And I shook my head in despair. But God is good and He showed me that He protects those he loves and He knows best. Praise God we were not hurt or imprisoned.
7) GYC. I did not know whether I should go home for Christmas or go to GYC. GYC will be in Washington and I am a full day's drive away. But closer than NYC. My friends over here started talking to me about it and now even those same people who let me watch their daughter are funding part of my trip. Praise God! I guess I'm going to GYC.
8)Prayer life. I have been trying to pray more often during the day after I read that devotional based on Luke 18:1-7. I am becoming so sensitive to the Holy Spirit's call to pray. Not as sensitive as I would like to be but getting there.
God in His wisdom has done so much for me lately. But the quote from the song says to ponder anew what the almighty can do. Think it over in a different way what this great and powerful God can do. While I'm here sharing some of the things God has done, this songwriter is telling me to think about what He can do. That by itself is too wonderful to put into words and I am indeed amazed.


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