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Showing posts from November, 2012

Counting Sheep

Do you sometimes find yourself try to fall asleep and not succeeding? I've had times in which I would be lying in bed trying to sleep but unfortunately, because my mind is too active or I had an extra long nap earlier that day or I'm literally in too much pain, I find that sleep eludes me. So I try to sleep. I'm sure that you've been told or have heard some fictional character being told to count sheep when sleep is elusive. I heard it on  Sesame Street.  I don't know the origin of a saying like this, but I find that counting sheep is a fitting title for the attempts to put one self to sleep. I have not really tried counting sheep in some years but what I try to do is lie very still, close my eyes and even out my breath. Usually, my overactive mind takes this opportunity to start thinking about random things so sleep remains far from me. When I finally do fall asleep, it is not because I tried to sleep or if I was even aware of falling asleep. It just happened, natu

You Should Smile More....: I'm Making a List, and Checking it Twice.

You Should Smile More....: I'm Making a List, and Checking it Twice. :        My home girl did it up! And yes Monkey see, monkey do, Here is my list: Hair: As you can see, my hair has been straightened with heat ( Birthday gift to myself) So what I have been doing is oiling my scalp weekly just to give it the appearance of moisture. After or before Thanksgiving, I plan on washing my hair (praise Jesus!). And this is my list to promote my healthy hair and hair growth Protective styles Drink Water (Uber important) Spritz 2x a day with water and oil (maybe essential oil) Cover my ends (Scarves, hats, etc.) Deep Condition 1x a month Cleanse scalp once a week and oil (Witch Hazel and some qtips) Face Skin: I love my skin! Well the skin on my face! I think it is one of my best features. So I got to upkeep! And I can start this right now! Sleep with Olive oil on skin as needed Lemon treatment once a week (simpler than it sounds: rub lemon on my face) Wash face ever


At the ripe age of 15 years old, I watched Madea's Family Reunion: the play. I think my Mom bought the bootleg DVD off of some dude in the street that works near her job. The guy probably sold it to her because my Mom is a Christian so he probably thought that she would love it. So she bought it. And I watched it, and watched it, and watched it. I'm very much into musicals and plays so I loved watching it, but I also admired the character Madea and the way she dealt with situations. There she was, this man in a dress with wisdom and enough holy speech to make it acceptable and then just a little bit of those bad words that were acceptable to make it sound funny and cool. I embraced it full-heartedly. I remember thinking how cool Madea was and I started saying all her sayings. Hell and crap became words of frequent use in my vocabulary. Even the way I tell jokes or stories picked-up the tell-tale signs of Madea plays. I thought that this was acceptable to God and it was funny. B

Ponder anew...

This morning during worship, the children sang "Praise to the Lord", which is a hymn and the part that rang out long after the song was finished was "...ponder anew what the Almighty can do..." So I posted it up on facebook as my status, partly because without getting a chance to vote, my candidate still won the election (ponder that! LOL) and mostly because we should think about the mighty things God can do. I considered my answered my prayers from previous weeks and I decided to share to let you know how things are going over here. 1) My friend, the one who is pregnant, was not getting anything done partly because she's pregnant and partly because she just did not feel like it, which would be fine if there were not things that just needed to get done. After praying that she would become more productive, I have never seen her do as much as she has been doing in the past few weeks. Of course, I'm not with her 24/7 but still, Praise God! 2) The husband pray