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Showing posts from January, 2014

This Time

#Makeitwonderful So I'm up on this song right now. It's by Melanie Fiona and it talks about how much more the speaker/singer would put into their relationship the next time around. Take a listen or a watch... I think it's a powerful message for those seeking a second, third, fourth, fifth ... chance at life. Right now, I live with a family in which the husband must have done something bad in the past because no matter how much good he does (and he does a lot of good), it will never be enough. This is my issue. The past was hard to live through the first time. Why would I want to pay for it in every second for the rest of my life? This song speaks of putting the past behind and promising the best for the future. Let go of the past. I can't live with the guilt of the past. I can only pour all of me into a occurring present for a brighter future.  ...But I don’t wanna do it over The first time is gone away You can’t rewrite the past All I can do is say This t

Dreams never lived

We have to get rid of the idea that we understand ourselves,... -Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest I've been ignoring this idea for a couple of days, that I have not accomplished things that I have shied away from for whatever reason. It's depressing to think of how far I've gone from my unfulfilled dreams. I always settle for less than best.  I've dreamed of changing the youth program over here in California where I attend church. Never did it. I've dreamed of empowering my young people back home to make changes. Never did it. I've dreamed of becoming a Senior Youth Leader. Never finished! I've dreamed of being a Medical Missionary. Not accomplished. I dreamed of sining my own songs before people. Not done yet. I dreamed of writing tons of books. Completely unfulfilled. So in listening to the motivational speeches, I focus on things that I can do in the future rather than the things in the past that I have not accomplished but in truth, they

Happy New Year!!!

#makeitwonderful What does this mean? Make this year full of wonder. Do something shockingly great. Find something surprisingly grand. Be someone extraordinarily amazing. Make this year wonderful. Do it BIG!!!